Please fill in the form for THREE FREE chapters

(YES, THREE!!) of my book AS WELL AS the bonus 2-hour tele-class
"How to Keep The Attraction Alive After You Get Your EUM to Step Up Or Your Ex Back":


27-Week Self-Study Of Pre-Recorded Topics PLUS 5 Pre-Recorded Monthly LIVE Group Coaching Calls On Feminine Magnetism™, The Art Of Being A Woman That Enraptures A Man’s Heart PLUS other bonuses amounting to $4570

You Can Sign Up Per Module As Well With Bonus Of The Pre-Recorded Coaching Call Of The Last Live Cycle. $1111 OFF for The Entire Program Plus Bonus Program “How To Date And Love Meditatively” And One Month Voxer Support That Will Make A Sweet Complement To The Process Of Embodying The Core Principles Of Feminine Magnetism Till February 28, 2025

This is a big undertaking and this program will be so huge because in which you will learn every secret and code Katarina has cracked on how to become that one woman who stands out from the rest of female population, not for your looks, but for your inner beauty and your feminine radiance.

Much has been said about how to capture a man’s heart, none has the definitiveness that Katarina’s Method has consistently resulted in thousands of happy clients around the globe. Happier relationship and life, numerous engagements, marriages and blooming new relationships, and a general increased of the sense of well-being, self-love, self-esteem and inner peace are what is to be expected in each and every program that she creates.

She is the authority on Feminine Magnetism. An original thinker in the field, with a staggering track record unprecedented in the history of online -or offline- relationship coaching.




Listen to this free class to get a grasp of what you can benefit from this very important program:





This group coaching will teach you how to explore and cultivate your feminine allure. Every woman has that innate feminine magnetism in her, she just has to rediscover it and let it shine.

There are five modules in this program she will delve in depth (you can also sign up separately in installments if you can’t afford the entire program at once. Otherwise scroll down to get the program in its entirety):

1. Inner work, Journey Inward (9 weeks), $1111 


  • Module 1 Feminine Magnetism Class #1: Expansion Of Consciousness
  • Module 1 Feminine Magnetism Class #2: The Path Is The Goal
  • Module 1 Feminine Magnetism Class #3: Be The Observer Of The Mind And Understand Yourself
  • Bonus Class #1: Regression To Uncover Your Childhood Wounds
  • Module 1 Feminine Magnetism Class #4: Healing Your Childhood Wounds And Dropping Your Stories
  • Module 1 Feminine Magnetism Class #5: Connecting To The Heart
  • Bonus Class #2: Healing Anger and Cultivating A Compassionate Heart
  • Module 1 Feminine Magnetism Class #6: You Are One With Everything
  • Module 1 Feminine Magnetism Class #7: Shadow Work
  • Module 1 Feminine Magnetism Class #8: Shadow Work Part 2
  • Module 1 Journey Inward Class #9: Equanimity is Self-Acceptance
  • Module 1 Feminine Magnetism Class #9B: Equanimity is Self-Acceptance

Please be informed before you touch the payment button that all sales are final. You’ll be helped to access your product(s) but we don’t refund. And Katarina doesn’t work with disrespectful, combative, aggressive, pushy, bossy, angry and entitled women so if you’re one of them please look somewhere else.  She is the Last Resort for a reason, only when you’re ready to be receptive, respectful and humble yourself to learn from the world’s Very Best/Miracle Worker who is the Anointed Divine Feminine Of The Millennium should you buy anything on this website. Please research her first before buying anything, she has tons of free stuff around so you can gauge her expertise and knowledge.  Only real students of hers need to buy anything from her (by “real” it means that they’re ready to surrender to her leadership and teaching process). She’s a straight shooter who will tell you the roots of your problem with men without sugar coating and if you’re not ready you’re going to be very triggered by what she has to say. However, if you’re ready she will turn your situation overnight and you’ll get to save tons of time and money and learn life’s ultimate lessons you won’t find anywhere else. Thank you for understanding and cooperating.  And please email me us at if you want to pay with PayPal, we will send you an invoice for the time being.

Module 1 Feminine Magnetism Journey Inward

  •  Three Bi-Weekly Payments, you will listen in the FB group for the coaching till the end of your payment plan when your product will be added

Module 1 Feminine Magnetism Journey Inward

  • Four Bi-Weekly Payments, you will listen in the FB group for the coaching till the end of your payment plan when your product will be added

Module 1 Feminine Magnetism Journey Inward

  • Three Monthly Payments, you will listen in the FB group for the coaching till the end of your payment plan when your product will be added

Module 1 Feminine Magnetism Journey Inward

  • Four Monthly Payments, you will listen in the FB group for the coaching till the end of your payment plan when your product will be added

Holiday Specials, Use Coupon Code: 60OFF and get $60 off for One Time Payment Option (No Plan), offer is valid till January 10, 2021

2. Understanding Men and Four Components Of Melting His Heart (5 weeks), $999 ($99.8/week, $49.9/hr)

  • Module 2 Feminine Magnetism Class #1: Trusting Him
  • Module 2 Feminine Magnetism Class #2: Appreciating Him
  • Module 2 Feminine Magnetism Class #3: Respecting His Leadership
  • Module 2 Feminine Magnetism Class #4: Communication That Works With Men
  • Module 2 Feminine Magnetism Bonus Class: Seven Reasons Why Men Marry Some Women and Dump Others

Module 2 Feminine Magnetism Understanding Men

  • Three Bi-Weekly Payments, you will listen in the group for the coaching till the end of your payment plan when your product will be added

Module 2 Feminine Magnetism Understanding Men

  • Two Monthly Payments, you will listen in the group for the coaching till the end of your payment plan when your product will be added

Module 2 Feminine Magnetism Understanding Men

  • Three Monthly Payments, you will listen in the group for the coaching till the end of your payment plan when your product will be added

SALE, Use Coupon Code: 200OFF and get $200 off for One Time Payment Option (No Plan), offer is valid till June 30, 2024

3. Leaning Back In Dating and Relationship (4 weeks), $699  


  • Module 3 Feminine Magnetism Class #1: History of leaning back and how I gradually perfected this concept
  • Module 3 Feminine Magnetism Class #2: How to cultivate Feminine Mystique that will make you irresistible to any man
  • Module 3 Feminine Magnetism Class #3: How To Be Vulnerable And Surrender To Your Vulnerability (BRAND NEW CLASS)
  • Module 3 Feminine Magnetism Bonus Class 1: Leaning Back Meditation
  • Module 3 Feminine Magnetism Bonus Class 2: Feminine Mystique Meditation
  • NEW BONUS 2 HR MASTERCLASS : LEANING BACK THE LOST ART OF SEDUCTION VALUED AT $222 (You simply don’t want to miss this!!)


Module 3 Feminine Magnetism Leaning Back In Dating And Relationship

  • Three Bi-Weekly Payments, you will listen in the FB group for the coaching till the end of your payment plan when your product will be added

Module 3 Feminine Magnetism Leaning Back In Dating And Relationship

  • Two Monthly Payments, you will listen in the FB group for the coaching till the end of your payment plan when your product will be added

Holiday Specials, Use Coupon Code: 60OFF and get $60 off for One Time Payment Option (No Plan), offer is valid till January 10, 2021

4. Embracing and Celebrating Your Feminine Sexuality/Basic Tantra And Healing Sexual Traumas with a guest teacher (3 weeks), $499 ($116.3/week, $58.16/hr)

  • Module 4 Feminine Magnetism Class #1: Be Sexually Conscious
  • Module 4 Feminine Magnetism Class #2: What Is Tantra?
  • Module 4 Feminine Magnetism Class #3: Healing Sexual Trauma
  • Module 4 Feminine Magnetism Bonus Class: How To Increase Your Sexual Consciousness

Module 4 Feminine Magnetism Embracing and Celebrating Your Feminine Sexuality

  • Three Bi-Weekly Payments, you will listen in the group for the coaching till the end of your payment plan when your product will be added

Module 4 Feminine Magnetism Embracing and Celebrating Your Feminine Sexuality

  • Two Monthly Payments, you will listen in the group for the coaching till the end of your payment plan when your product will be added

Holiday Specials, Use Coupon Code: 60OFF and get $60 off for One Time Payment Option (No Plan), offer is valid till January 10, 2021

5. Salvation Through Relationship (3 weeks), $599 ($149.5/hr, $74.75/hr)

  • Module 5 Feminine Magnetism Class #1: What is Salvation
  • Module 5 Feminine Magnetism Class #2: Identifying Recurring Issues and Our Conditioning
  • Module 5 Feminine Magnetism Class #3: Let The Chips Fall Where They May


Module 5 Feminine Magnetism Salvation Through Relationship

  • Three Bi-Weekly Payments, you will listen in the group for the coaching till the end of your payment plan when your product will be added

Module 5 Feminine Magnetism Salvation Through Relationship

  • Two Monthly Payments, you will listen in the group for the coaching till the end of your payment plan when your product will be added

Here’s what the package is consisting of:

    • It’s the combo of Journey Inward, the Leaning Back workshop and Four Components Of Melting His Heart and beyond….including new material pertaining to everything related to Feminine Magnetism such as the anatomy of anxiety, how to cultivate emotional attraction with a man, how to connect to your heart and surrender to your vulnerability, tantra sex and the most illuminating salvation through relationship! As someone who is conversant with her style of teaching you’ll know that she goes with the flow, she improvises, she explores and she is so Zen and spontaneous. Her insights are often moment to moment, powerfully relevant and unexpected! No one including herself will know what the class is going to turn into other than fun, educational and empowering.


    • It is in the form of pre-recorded classes, each session runs 120 mins that include live question and answer.


    • Each participant will receive the recorded sessions to listen to again and again. The value of Katarina’s programs is in the fact that her teaching is so profound that repeated listening is required to really grasp the concept and acquire new understanding in different times. Most of her clients read her book like the Bible. Once, twice, thrice reading won’t be enough but the book becomes the source of inspiration and strength when the going gets tough. So are all her programs. And that means countless hours of coaching with the price of one.This is an investment of a lifetime cause you will always go back to this program over and over and over again and it will guide you for as long as you live


  • Ongoing support in the private group And VOXER for a month. And you are a first class client with FIRST PRIORITY of email responses. Everyday Katarina receives dozens of emails asking for advice and she can only respond to a few, mainly those who invest in her ebook and other programs, in rotation. With this program you’ll be pushed to the front row and your emails will be responded within 24 – 48 hours. The unlimited email support alone is valued at $999/month.


It’s a brand new program that will create a new self-confident you that will become a magnet to *available* men and inspire them to commit. If you need to overhaul your self-image, this will be the “it” course.

Feminine Magnetism Group Coaching

  • Two Easy Payments, you will listen in the FB group for the coaching till the end of your payment plan when your product will be added

Feminine Magnetism Group Coaching

  • Three Easy Payments, you will listen in the FB group for the coaching till the end of your payment plan when your product will be added

Feminine Magnetism Group Coaching

  • Five Easy payments, you will listen in the FB group for the coaching till the end of your payment plan when your product will be added

Feminine Magnetism Group Coaching

$479/2 weeks
  • Ten Easy Payments, you will listen in the FB group for the coaching till the end of your payment plan when your product will be added

When? You’ll start whenever you sign up with the pre-recorded 27 classes/topics.  This is a one-of-a-kind program that isn’t offered anywhere else on the face of the planet. Her teaching is unique and super counterintuitive, be prepared to be mind-blown week after week that it’s not possible for you to see the world in the same exact fashion after you graduate from this program.

How much for a very important investment that will change your life forever? This is an early bird offer and we will make it as affordable as possible with easy plans. Remember, price will go up by $1111 after Feb 28, 2025 so this is the lowest investment you’re going to ever have.  In the last 10 years Katarina has conducted her programs that were later sold as products, they never go down and in fact always go up in price because they start very reasonable for the awesome and consistent results they bring. She very rarely also sells them on sale because they are in demand.

Her current private coaching rate is $999/hr and it’s expected to go up again AS NECESSARY. So any opportunity to sit in her live coaching calls to pick her brains so she can personally and specifically provide answers to your gnawing questions isn’t something to be missed!!

Or you can also approach it from the fact that an hour therapy is $150/hr, on average. Two hours/week x 27 weeks PLUS the 2 hours 6 live calls = 66 hours, or less than $46/hr to work with the world’s top relationship coach whose programs have been proven to work faster than therapy. Not to mention the $999/month Voxer support x 3 = $2997.

And you can get all this for $4444 which you can also pay in installments up to 5 months!





SO LET’S RECAP THE TOTAL VALUE OF BONUSES AND DISCOUNTS YOU’LL GET FOR SIGNING UP BY Feb 28, 2024: $1016 + 499 + 500 + 1556 + 999 = $4570!!

SIMPLY PUT: it will be a loss to you to miss this program!

And she’s planning a some kind semi-retirement which means she will limit future group coaching and focus more on writing and private coaching (yeah she will still answer emails for those who invest in her book/programs). So this is your chance for a live coaching on a very important subject because she may not do this again anytime soon (it takes every ounce of her being and creative juices to conduct a program like this).

If you commit now the price is ONLY $4444 till February 28, 2025 then it will go up by $1111. You can pay lump sum or you can have 4 different payment plans above or reach out to ORPHEUS218@GMAIL.COM for different plans.  And you can either pay with paypal or your credit card.

This is an E-Product, which means it’s downloaded to your computer or gadget after your payment is processed (You will receive an email containing your login information). No physical product will be sent to you through mail. All sales are FINAL. Please refer to Terms Of Use for further illumination on our terms and conditions and refund policy (30% cancellation fee will be applied when refund under a case-by-case basis is approved prior to the start of the program only AND not exceeding 30 days since day of payment), after the program no refund will be granted). You can contact us at (but please BEWARE: you will need to click on the one-time anti-spam verification link to whitelist your email address, or your email won’t reach us) if you have a problem downloading and we will respond to you within 24 hours.


The myth that vinegar solves problems is everywhere. Especially in love and other interpersonal relationships, we are told to have boundaries and standards, lest we get stepped on.

It’s all wounded ego. It only “works” in the sense that it’s a release for our hurt and pain. Even if another being changes as a result of our harshness (be it our boyfriend, child, or even our dog), they only comply out of fear, shame, guilt, or calculation, not out of love or understanding.

I’ve been re-listening to Four Components Of Melting His Heart this week to help myself realign now that my boyfriend and I have moved in together. It’s so radical, scary, and counter-intuitive to trust, appreciate, and receive when you feel vulnerable, but it’s what actually works.

Katarina knows what she is talking about.

It was only through this kind of radical yielding/surrender that our relationship moved from almost ending in May due to an “ultimatum” I issued (about living together that I got from other dating advice) to him getting us a house to live in together with no prompting.

Wednesday night, we were visiting with my grandparents who have a great love story. My Pop said he was so lucky to have met my Gram, then my boyfriend told my Pop that *he* was the lucky one they met, because otherwise I’d never have been born and he’d never have found me.

Quite a departure from being “unsure” if this was the relationship for him in May.

It’s easy to creep back into vinegar territory when you’re scared (I posted earlier this week that he was a little testy for the first time all summer), but I’m so glad I posted here and re-committed to completing 4Cs again and remembering what got me here.

It takes courage to be soft, sweet, and warm. I needed the reminder this week, so I wanted to share. Don’t cherry pick your from Kat’s approach. Dive in and let the teachings move through you, allow yourself to transform.

Kenzie, Atlanta***

I’m excited because someone hustled and made some extra money ? so I am excited to buy some more programs and continue my education!

PS: I have medically diagnosed OCD (although not severe) and anxiety. Since I was a baby. My mom thinks it’s from an allergic reaction to a vaccine I had as an infant. Kinda “fried my nerves” a bit. I’ve struggled with this all my life. When I was 12 I washed my hands so much they cracked and bled! Stuff like that. So obviously that did NOT translate well to romantic relationships.

So, if I can lean back and do this I KNOW you all can too!! I’ve had lots of therapy that didn’t help. So maybe you may want to add this to your list of accolades, Katarina Phang. I will struggle with this my whole life but Kat’s teachings have helped me much more than $200+ therapy sessions.

Anita, Los Angeles

“I only found Kat’s website at the very end of March. I had read soooo much other stuff (Fiore, Hussey, Rori, Renee, etc) and hers was soooo different. It was like a slap in the face, but I couldn’t stop reading beacuse I was desperate at the time. I kept thinking “Is she for real? Do people buy this stuff? She’s so harsh! This is crazy. I don’t get it.” But I kept reading EVERY article/blog post. And then bought the book! Lol. In my gut what she was saying felt 100% authentic and true. And I trust my gut. So I said “fuck it, I’ve tried everything else, might as well try this, got nothing to lose” and bought journey inward. Not knowing what to expect I decided to just listen to the whole thing on an 8-hr drive through Texas. I cried most of the way there. I can’t thank Katarina enough for what she managed to put together in Journey Inward. Some of the best money I’ve ever spent. It’s funny, when I go back and read articles now it’s like “mmmm hmmmm, girl, preach it!” Whereas before reading the articles it was more “where is she coming up with this crap?!” Lol! Ohhh little did I know what a guru she would be. I love you, Kat!”
Katie, Texas