Please fill in the form for THREE FREE chapters
(YES, THREE!!) of my book AS WELL AS the bonus 2-hour tele-class
"How to Keep The Attraction Alive After You Get Your EUM to Step Up Or Your Ex Back":
Four Components of Melting His Heart Group Coaching

Holiday Specials, Get $300 off for One Time Payment Option (No Plan) Price Has Been Adjusted To $699, offer is valid till December 31, 2024
Get the latest version of this hit program with Module 2 Feminine Magnetism: Understanding Men and Four Components of Melting His Heart
The CYCLE 3 of these Six Weekly 2 hr Teleclasses have just ended. My method has given birth to over 211 ENGAGEMENTS (number changes fast, FYI, since on average I produce one engagement/week) in the past 4 years. You will not see this high rate of success anywhere else. So this cycle will be “The Goddess Road To Engagement” Edition.
For only $999 will jumpstart your love life or move it to the NEXT LEVEL. You can also purchase Cycle 1 and 2 replays out of which these three engagements were born here but I strongly recommend you sign up for this new cycle because after my awakening a lot of new insights will be added to the program. These are four components of melting a man’s heart that I teach all my clients without which your relationship will remain STAGNANT and/or volatile and with which their men become so madly in love with them that they step up to the plate WITHOUT URGING or NUDGING:
- Trust inspires a man to rise to the occasion. He feels accepted and connected to you as the result. This class will explore how to trust him anyway even when you are feeling shaky inside. Without trust your relationship will crumble in no time.
Week 2: Thanking/appreciating him.
- How to encourage good behaviors that get you more good behaviors and how to overcome your displeasure of things that bother you by shifting your perspective, and thus energy.
Week 3: Respecting his leadership.
- How to be comfortable in the feminine role of following a man’s lead and respond in a feminine way when you disagree with him and need to veto his decision.
Week 4: Communicating to him
- in a non-verbal way that he understands and appreciates when words have fallen on deaf ears. Learn the secret of
why and how men would listen to you
- . Women often follow generic advice out there on how to communicate with guys that do more damage than helping them getting what they want. This class will reverse that.
Week 5: Interview with some of the ladies who got engaged this year.
- Learn from them how they pulled this off.
(NEW! Previous Cycles Don’t have this class)Week 6: Bonus Session, the never-before-revealed Seven Reasons Why Men Marry Some Women and Dump Others.
- This class alone is worth the entire program!
(NEW! Previous Cycles Don’t have this class)
Please be informed before you touch the payment button that all sales are final. You’ll be helped to access your product(s) but we don’t refund. And Katarina doesn’t work with disrespectful, combative, aggressive, pushy, bossy, angry and entitled women so if you’re one of them please look somewhere else. She is the Last Resort for a reason, only when you’re ready to be receptive, respectful and humble yourself to learn from the world’s Very Best/Miracle Worker should you buy anything on this website. Please research her first before buying anything, she has tons of free stuff around so you can gauge her expertise and knowledge. Only real students of hers need to buy anything from her (by “real” it means that they’re ready to surrender to her leadership and teaching process). She’s a straight shooter who will tell you the roots of your problem with men without sugar coating and if you’re not ready you’re going to be very triggered by what she has to say. However, if you’re ready she will turn your situation overnight and you’ll get to save tons of time and money and learn life’s ultimate lessons you won’t find anywhere else. Thank you for understanding and cooperating. And please email me us at if you want to pay with PayPal, we will send you an invoice for the time being.
Cycle 3 Four Components Of Melting His Heart Audio
- Full Payment
Cycle 3 Four Components Of Melting His Heart Audio
- Three Bi-Weekly Payments, you will listen in the group for the coaching till the end of your payment plan when your product will be added
Cycle 3 Four Components Of Melting His Heart Audio
- Two Monthly Payments, you will listen in the group for the coaching till the end of your payment plan when your product will be added
Cycle 3 Four Components Of Melting His Heart Audio
- Three Monthly Payments, you will listen in the group for the coaching till the end of your payment plan when your product will be added

Cycle 3 Four Components Of Melting His Heart Audio
- Full Payment
Cycle 3 Four Components Of Melting His Heart Audio
- Three Bi-Weekly Payments, you will listen in the group for the coaching till the end of your payment plan when your product will be added
Cycle 3 Four Components Of Melting His Heart Audio
- Two Monthly Payments, you will listen in the group for the coaching till the end of your payment plan when your product will be added
Cycle 3 Four Components Of Melting His Heart Audio
- Three Monthly Payments, you will listen in the group for the coaching till the end of your payment plan when your product will be added

I turned him down!! I said propose again after a year. Yeah I freaked out. I just don’t want another failed marriage and it seems rushing into something so fast wouldn’t help.
And it’s not that I don’t love him very much. And this has been the easiest relationship, with the least amount of friction I’ve ever been in. I just need to see that continuing a bit longer to know 100% this has a chance of working for long term, since I really do want to minimize as much as possible the chance of another divorce. So it’s not that I don’t have the feelings, I just want to make sure no crazy comes out in the next few months. lol”
Cycle 3 Four Components Of Melting His Heart Audio
- Full Payment
Cycle 3 Four Components Of Melting His Heart Audio
- Three Bi-Weekly Payments, you will listen in the group for the coaching till the end of your payment plan when your product will be added
Cycle 3 Four Components Of Melting His Heart Audio
- Two Monthly Payments, you will listen in the group for the coaching till the end of your payment plan when your product will be added
Cycle 3 Four Components Of Melting His Heart Audio
- Three Monthly Payments, you will listen in the group for the coaching till the end of your payment plan when your product will be added
This hardship is aggravated by the fact that many of these women are so wounded, triggered and often act on their woundedness. Hence, instead of getting their needs communicated and fulfilled, what they get is the total opposite. Often these episodes cause repeated breakups.
This state of emotional roller-coaster becomes a vicious cycle with no light at the end of the tunnel.
These skills are complementary of the inner skills you have gained through my two other hit programs Journey Inward and the Leaning Back Workshop. This is the nitty-gritty of those broad personal and interpersonal skills translated into actions with detail pertaining to specific situations common to most relationships. This program will complete your inner power that is going to make you so utterly irresistible to the men you adore.
Good bye tears and heartache and be totally utterly unbelievably cherished…
Mia, NY (who also signed up for both Journey Inward and the Leaning Back Workshop)
“Other women have been smothering and overly possessive, always worrying that I might stray. I never did, but it made me want to.
“You don’t do things like that, and it makes me want only you. Thank you. I just realized how refreshing it feels to be trusted, and to have someone who is comfortable with letting me breathe. You’re a blessing, Nadya. “
Thanks Kat!”
You’re absolutely right, they are all putty in my hands just by practicing everything you taught me. As for my EUM, I still use him as my practice. He still serves me in some ways. I’m enjoying them all. So thank you Kat! I love you.
One more thing, they are all want to claim me, as in making me their wife. But I don’t want to be claimed. Yet, I still aim higher lol…
With it being so late, of course, I have not heard back from him. I don’t know if I will soon (I’m sure I will once he thinks of what to say back), but feel such a release. Like a heavy weight was lifted off of me. I followed her “when to walk away” bit shown in the book, but personalized it for my own feelings. I like her advice “you must will to lose a man in order to keep him.” I have no interest in dating as of now, but just feel so free.
I have followed other dating advisors before finding her, like Rori Raye, Renee Wade, Evan Marc Katz, and some others, and Kat has really put all of their advice into a perspective I didn’t see beforehand. Now, when I read some of their stuff again and go back to it, I see it much more clearly than what I did months ago. Kat’s advice WILL improve your love life, and life in other aspects, too. Thank you so much to all you lovely ladies here, and the men who participate here, too.
Renee and Rori both go on about the feminine energy, loving a person (man) exactly as they are. I like Rori’s style, though, of course, I wouldn’t date up until I was married, just until I had a boyfriend whom I was exclusive with, etc. I followed Renee’s advice for a long time, which is very similar to yours, but for some reason, couldn’t implement well until I found your site. Then, it was as if a light bulb went off in my head. I was – almost subconsciously – expecting more to come out of it, while following the ladies’ advice, when I should have expected nothing.
Evan Marc Katz talk about leaning back, and feminine energy, but seems like a no-nonsense, don’t-waste-your-time kind of guy. I also believe most of his clients are in their mid to upper thirties, and have been through divorces and children, or getting ‘later’ in age and wanting to find a secure mate within the next few years and produce children. I am just a few weeks shy of twenty-one, so if I dated guys in my age range, it would be a bit of a different scenario. May-December relationships aren’t unusual in my life (my parents are decades apart in age), so I believe that part of me wants to be fun and single, yet find a secure stable mate, too.