New Year Specials, use coupon code: 100OFF for $100 off for monthly unlimited email coaching and 1-hour Coaching Session or 20%OFF for Three, Five And Ten 1-hours Coaching Sessions, offer is valid till March 31, 2024
If you prefer one-on-one sessions tailor made to your needs, here are the packages you can choose from:
NEWEST PRIVATE COACHING PROGRAM: Weekend at Katarina’s, a combo of a private weekend retreat with Skype and email coaching before and after the event
NEW! Six Week Feminine Magnetism Private Coaching consisting of 1-hour session/week and 12 week unlimited email coaching as well as 2 half-hour follow up coaching after 6 weeks PLUS lifetime access to the Feminine Magnetism program consisting of 5 Modules PLUS 2 day private getaway at my California hone for $11,111 (this recorded coaching is tailor made to you and your situations/challenges that will make you magnetic to men and the man that you love/adore at the end of 12 weeks)
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One-On-One Coaching

Distance is definitely very, very hard. But I’m learning a lot about myself and I believe it is doable if both people are completely 100% committed. We are in much better communication and understanding now. You are right, chasing boys = never good lol.
I hope you are doing well. I think you saved us. You’re awesome!
Take care, Connie
Please fill in the form for THREE FREE chapters
(YES, THREE!!) of my book AS WELL AS the bonus 2-hour tele-class
"How to Keep The Attraction Alive After You Get Your EUM to Step Up Or Your Ex Back":